# Install a fresh new system (optional) install # Specify installation method to use for installation # To use a different one comment out the 'url' one below, update # the selected choice with proper options & un-comment it cdrom # # Set language to use during installation and the default language to use on the installed system (required) lang en_US.UTF-8 # Set system keyboard type / layout (required) keyboard us # Configure network information for target system and activate network devices in the installer environment (optional) # --onboot enable device at a boot time # --device device to be activated and / or configured with the network command # --bootproto method to obtain networking configuration for device (default dhcp) # --noipv6 disable IPv6 on this device # # NOTE: Usage of DHCP will fail CCE-27021-5 (DISA FSO RHEL-06-000292). To use static IP configuration, # "--bootproto=static" must be used. For example: # network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver, # network --onboot yes --device ens192 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6 --hostname UnixArena # Set the system's root password (required) # Plaintext password is: server # Refer to e.g. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Kickstart#rootpw to see how to create # encrypted password form for different plaintext password rootpw --iscrypted $6$rhel6usgcb$aS6oPGXcPKp3OtFArSrhRwu6sN8q2.yEGY7AIwDOQd23YCtiz9c5mXbid1BzX9bmXTEZi.hCzTEXFosVBI5ng0 # The selected profile will restrict root login # Add a user that can login and escalate privileges # Plaintext password is: admin123 user --name=admin --groups=wheel --password=$6$Ga6ZnIlytrWpuCzO$q0LqT1USHpahzUafQM9jyHCY9BiE5/ahXLNWUMiVQnFGblu0WWGZ1e6icTaCGO4GNgZNtspp1Let/qpM7FMVB0 --iscrypted # Configure firewall settings for the system (optional) # --enabled reject incoming connections that are not in response to outbound requests # --ssh allow sshd service through the firewall # firewall --enabled --ssh firewall --disabled # Set up the authentication options for the system (required) # --enableshadow enable shadowed passwords by default # --passalgo hash / crypt algorithm for new passwords # See the manual page for authconfig for a complete list of possible options. authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 # State of SELinux on the installed system (optional) # Defaults to enforcing selinux --permissive # Set the system time zone (required) timezone --utc America/New_York # Specify how the bootloader should be installed (required) # Plaintext password is: password # Refer to e.g. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Kickstart#rootpw to see how to create # encrypted password form for different plaintext password bootloader --location=mbr --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet" --password=$6$rhel6usgcb$kOzIfC4zLbuo3ECp1er99NRYikN419wxYMmons8Vm/37Qtg0T8aB9dKxHwqapz8wWAFuVkuI/UJqQBU92bA5C0 # Initialize (format) all disks (optional) # zerombr # The following partition layout scheme assumes disk of size 20GB or larger # Modify size of partitions appropriately to reflect actual machine's hardware # # Remove Linux partitions from the system prior to creating new ones (optional) # --linux erase all Linux partitions # --initlabel initialize the disk label to the default based on the underlying architecture clearpart --linux --initlabel # Create primary system partitions (required for installs) part /boot --fstype=xfs --size=512 part pv.01 --grow --size=1 # Create a Logical Volume Management (LVM) group (optional) volgroup VolGroup --pesize=4096 pv.01 # Create particular logical volumes (optional) logvol / --fstype=xfs --name=LogVol06 --vgname=VolGroup --size=12288 --grow # CCE-26557-9: Ensure /home Located On Separate Partition logvol /home --fstype=xfs --name=LogVol02 --vgname=VolGroup --size=1024 --fsoptions="nodev" # CCE-26435-8: Ensure /tmp Located On Separate Partition logvol /tmp --fstype=xfs --name=LogVol01 --vgname=VolGroup --size=1024 --fsoptions="nodev,noexec,nosuid" # CCE-26639-5: Ensure /var Located On Separate Partition logvol /var --fstype=xfs --name=LogVol03 --vgname=VolGroup --size=2048 --fsoptions="nodev" # CCE-26215-4: Ensure /var/log Located On Separate Partition logvol /var/log --fstype=xfs --name=LogVol04 --vgname=VolGroup --size=1024 --fsoptions="nodev" # CCE-26436-6: Ensure /var/log/audit Located On Separate Partition logvol /var/log/audit --fstype=xfs --name=LogVol05 --vgname=VolGroup --size=512 --fsoptions="nodev" logvol swap --name=lv_swap --vgname=VolGroup --size=2016 # Packages selection (%packages section is required) %packages # Require @Base @Base @core sed perl less dmidecode bzip2 iproute iputils sysfsutils rsync nano mdadm setserial man-pages.noarch findutils tar net-tools tmpwatch lsof python screen lvm2 curl ypbind yp-tools smartmontools openssh-clients acpid irqbalance which bind-utils ntsysv ntp man mysql postfix chkconfig gzip # Install selected additional packages (required by profile) # CCE-27024-9: Install AIDE aide # Install libreswan package libreswan %end # End of %packages section %pre #!/bin/sh echo "Test" %end %post cat > /etc/cron.d/ntpdate < /dev/null 2>&1 EOF chkconfig ntpd on chkconfig sshd on chkconfig ypbind on chkconfig iptables off chkconfig ip6tables off chkconfig yum-updatesd off chkconfig haldaemon off chkconfig mcstrans off chkconfig sysstat off cat > /etc/motd /etc/motd echo >> /etc/motd %end # Reboot after the installation is complete (optional) # --eject attempt to eject CD or DVD media before rebooting reboot --eject