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How to create an Ansible playbook quickly? Use ChatGPT

ChatGPT made a big revolution in the 21st century and called big giants to think differently rather than polishing existing products. ChatGPT can respond like an actual human or even better. ChatBots become quite popular to provide basic information for simple queries. ChatGPT is powered by AI(Artificial intelligence) with deep learning techniques and developed by OpenAI. In this article, Let’s see how to generate an ansible playbook using ChatGPT.

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1. Let me ask “ChatGPT” to write an ansible playbook to update the “/etc/hosts” file with the following entry.

“ ansiblehost1”

Here is the response from chatGPT.

ChatGPT – Ansible – update hosts file

Along with the code, it provides the explanation for the playbook like an instructor.

This playbook uses the lineinfile module to add the specified line to the "/etc/hosts" file. The state is set to present to ensure that the line is present in the file, and the backrefs option is set to yes to allow the line to be updated if it already exists. The playbook is run against the localhost host and the gather_facts is set to no as it is not needed in this case.

2. Here is my second task to “ChatGPT”.

Write a playbook to reboot a list of windows servers.

Windows servers reboot – Ansible

3. Well. ChatGPT has knowledge of ansible language since its pre-trained. It doesn’t look for any websites to get the answers. Here is my third task for “ChatGPT” which is very interesting.

“List the top ten ansible interview questions and answers”

Here is the response from ChatGPT.

Here are ten commonly asked Ansible interview questions and their answers:

1. What is Ansible and why is it used? 

 Ansible is an open-source automation tool used for configuration management,  application deployment, and orchestration. It automates repetitive tasks, simplifies complex tasks, and manages infrastructure as code.

2. How does Ansible work? 

Ansible works by connecting to remote hosts, executing tasks, and returning the results. It uses an agentless architecture and relies on SSH or Windows Remote Management (WinRM) for communication.

3. What are the components of Ansible? 

The components of Ansible include the Ansible control node, the managed nodes, and the Ansible modules. The control node runs the Ansible playbooks, the managed nodes are the target systems being managed, and the modules are the individual tasks being executed on the managed nodes.

4. What are Ansible Playbooks? 

Ansible playbooks are YAML files that define the tasks to be executed on the managed nodes. They describe the desired state of the infrastructure and are executed by the Ansible control node.

5. What are Ansible Variables and how are they used? 

Ansible variables are used to store values that can be reused throughout a playbook. They can be defined in a variety of places, including playbooks, inventory files, and external files.

6. What is an Inventory in Ansible? 

An Ansible inventory is a file that lists the managed nodes and their properties. It is used to determine which nodes the playbooks should be executed on.

7. What is a Task in Ansible? 

A task in Ansible is a single, unitary action that is executed on a managed node. Tasks can be defined in playbooks and are executed in the order they are listed.

8. What is a Module in Ansible? 

An Ansible module is a pre-written script that performs a specific function, such as installing a package or copying a file. Modules are executed as tasks in playbooks and can be used to perform common tasks on managed nodes.

9. What is a Role in Ansible?

An Ansible role is a way to organize and structure playbooks and tasks. Roles are collections of tasks, files, and templates executed as a unit. They can be reused across multiple playbooks and make it easier to manage and maintain playbooks.

10. How does Ansible differ from other configuration management tools such as Chef and Puppet? 

Ansible differs from other configuration management tools in several ways, including its agentless architecture, simple syntax, and ease of use. It also has a larger user community and is typically faster to deploy and execute than other tools.

Similarly, you can post questions about any tools, or technologies to get the required answers quickly. Unlike google search, you get concrete answers directly rather than browsing to multiple websites to get the correct answers. ChatGPT will be leveraged for many low-level IT jobs to replace humans since it does more than humans with great language proficiency.


ChatGPT is very useful for developing code and automating complex tasks since its pre-trained in all programming languages. DevOps engineers can make use of this tool to quickly develop an ansible playbook, write k8s manifests files, terraform files, create Jenkins pipeline codes and python code, etc.. Sign-up on ChatGPT today and experience the new world. ChatGPT might not be 100% accurate but still, this would simplify your tasks by providing 99% correct answers. Enjoy the power of AI.

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