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Kubernetes Backup – Kasten K10 Test drive

Kasten K10 by Veeam - logo

Kasten K10 by Veeam - logo

The Kubernetes platform is fundamentally different from earlier compute infrastructures and IaaS. In Kubernetes, there is no mapping of applications to servers or VMs. so the backup solution needs to understand this Kubernetes-native architectural pattern, and be able to deal with continuous change. High-velocity application development and deployment cycles are the norms in Kubernetes environments. Consequently, this requires that backup solutions be application-centric and not infrastructure-focused.

Veeam’s Kasten offers backup solutions for containerized workloads, to address cloud-native data protection needs for enterprises. Kasten’s K10 Data Management Platform’s ability to capture the entire application stack by taking a consistent application-to-infrastructure view is critical for compliance and restore testing.

Get hands dirty using Kasten K10 using the free lab to learn how Kubernetes-native application backup and recovery works. Kasten K10 test drive has 8 challenges and they will provide step-by-step instructions to complete. At the end of every task, you can check your work.

Here is the list of tasks that you need to accomplish to complete the test drive.

Adding Kasten Helm Repo

1. Add the Kasten Helm 10 repository. Setting our environment up by adding the Kasten K10 Helm repository to the system.

root@k8svm:~# helm repo add kasten
"kasten" has been added to your repositories

Test Application/DB Deployment

2. Create a new Kubernetes deployment using the helm chart. We will use MySQL database to experiment with the backup and recovery of a cloud-native application. Install MySQL in the new namespace using the following commands in the Kubernetes cluster.

root@k8svm:~# helm install mysql bitnami/mysql --create-namespace --namespace=mysql
root@k8svm:~# kubectl get ns mysql
mysql   Active   49s
root@k8svm:~# kubectl get all -n mysql
pod/mysql-0   1/1     Running   0          59s

NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/mysql            ClusterIP   <none>        3306/TCP   59s
service/mysql-headless   ClusterIP   None          <none>        3306/TCP   59s

NAME                     READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/mysql   1/1     59s

3. Once the pod is up & running, use the following command to create a test local database.

root@k8svm:~# MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace mysql mysql -o jsonpath="{.data.mysql-root-password}" | base64 --decode; echo)
root@k8svm:~# kubectl exec -it --namespace=mysql $(kubectl --namespace=mysql get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') \
>   -- mysql -u root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e "CREATE DATABASE k10demo"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Install Kasten K10

4. Let’s install Kasten K10 and configure storage.

root@k8svm:~# helm install k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io --create-namespace
NAME: k10
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Sep 10 17:16:47 2021
NAMESPACE: kasten-io
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing Kasten’s K10 Data Management Platform!

Documentation can be found at

How to access the K10 Dashboard:

The K10 dashboard is not exposed externally. To establish a connection to it use the following `kubectl` command:

`kubectl --namespace kasten-io port-forward service/gateway 8080:8000`

The Kasten dashboard will be available at: ``

List all the Kasten-io namespace resources.

root@k8svm:~# kubectl get all -n kasten-io
NAME                                      READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
pod/aggregatedapis-svc-78dbdcbdc4-jvfnl   1/1     Running             0          83s
pod/auth-svc-55b99d848f-2tdxt             1/1     Running             0          84s
pod/catalog-svc-855649ffb5-5m2v7          0/2     Init:Error          0          84s
pod/config-svc-59b4f495f9-pf6l2           1/1     Running             0          83s
pod/crypto-svc-867bb4b974-s9pt2           1/2     Running             0          84s
pod/dashboardbff-svc-56c778dc45-7qwpm     1/1     Running             0          84s
pod/executor-svc-8476c96df6-5pnqh         0/2     ContainerCreating   0          84s
pod/executor-svc-8476c96df6-jxbj9         0/2     ContainerCreating   0          84s
pod/executor-svc-8476c96df6-ws748         0/2     ContainerCreating   0          84s
pod/frontend-svc-b49f9d57f-p8pnx          1/1     Running             0          83s
pod/gateway-77749568c9-gbtnn              0/1     Running             0          82s
pod/jobs-svc-6b7b87cb84-q4wdw             0/1     Init:Error          0          84s
pod/k10-grafana-758d8475f7-zts4g          1/1     Running             0          84s
pod/kanister-svc-664fb69468-xkk5r         1/1     Running             0          83s
pod/logging-svc-6c665f7dd7-ms7fp          0/1     Init:Error          0          84s
pod/metering-svc-68bdff4b58-zlcvd         0/1     PodInitializing     0          83s
pod/prometheus-server-7d84c5477b-qjng2    0/2     ContainerCreating   0          84s
pod/state-svc-fb5bb8567-tfldd             1/1     Running             0          83s

NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                        AGE
service/aggregatedapis-svc      ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                        85s
service/auth-svc                ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/catalog-svc             ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/config-svc              ClusterIP     <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/crypto-svc              ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP,8001/TCP              85s
service/dashboardbff-svc        ClusterIP     <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/executor-svc            ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/frontend-svc            ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/gateway                 ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/gateway-admin           ClusterIP   <none>        8877/TCP                       85s
service/jobs-svc                ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/k10-grafana             ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP                         85s
service/kanister-svc            ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP                       84s
service/logging-svc             ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP,24224/TCP,24225/TCP   85s
service/metering-svc            ClusterIP    <none>        8000/TCP                       85s
service/prometheus-server       ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP                         85s
service/prometheus-server-exp   ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP                         85s
service/state-svc               ClusterIP   <none>        8000/TCP                       85s

NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/aggregatedapis-svc   1/1     1            1           84s
deployment.apps/auth-svc             1/1     1            1           84s
deployment.apps/catalog-svc          0/1     1            0           84s
deployment.apps/config-svc           1/1     1            1           84s
deployment.apps/crypto-svc           0/1     1            0           84s
deployment.apps/dashboardbff-svc     1/1     1            1           84s
deployment.apps/executor-svc         0/3     3            0           84s
deployment.apps/frontend-svc         1/1     1            1           84s
deployment.apps/gateway              0/1     1            0           84s
deployment.apps/jobs-svc             0/1     1            0           84s
deployment.apps/k10-grafana          1/1     1            1           84s
deployment.apps/kanister-svc         1/1     1            1           84s
deployment.apps/logging-svc          0/1     1            0           84s
deployment.apps/metering-svc         0/1     1            0           84s
deployment.apps/prometheus-server    0/1     1            0           84s
deployment.apps/state-svc            1/1     1            1           84s

NAME                                            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/aggregatedapis-svc-78dbdcbdc4   1         1         1       84s
replicaset.apps/auth-svc-55b99d848f             1         1         1       84s
replicaset.apps/catalog-svc-855649ffb5          1         1         0       84s
replicaset.apps/config-svc-59b4f495f9           1         1         1       83s
replicaset.apps/crypto-svc-867bb4b974           1         1         0       84s
replicaset.apps/dashboardbff-svc-56c778dc45     1         1         1       84s
replicaset.apps/executor-svc-8476c96df6         3         3         0       84s
replicaset.apps/frontend-svc-b49f9d57f          1         1         1       83s
replicaset.apps/gateway-77749568c9              1         1         0       83s
replicaset.apps/jobs-svc-6b7b87cb84             1         1         0       84s
replicaset.apps/k10-grafana-758d8475f7          1         1         1       84s
replicaset.apps/kanister-svc-664fb69468         1         1         1       83s
replicaset.apps/logging-svc-6c665f7dd7          1         1         0       84s
replicaset.apps/metering-svc-68bdff4b58         1         1         0       84s
replicaset.apps/prometheus-server-7d84c5477b    1         1         0       84s
replicaset.apps/state-svc-fb5bb8567             1         1         1       84s

5. Once all the pods of K10 are up and running, configure the local storage.

root@k8svm:~# kubectl annotate volumesnapshotclass csi-hostpath-snapclass annotated

6. Expose the K10 dashboard creating a node port service.

root@k8svm:~# echo | kubectl apply -f - << EOF
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: Service
> metadata:
>   name: gateway-nodeport
>   namespace: kasten-io
> spec:
>   selector:
>     service: gateway
>   ports:
>   - name: http
>     port: 8000
>     nodePort: 32000
>   type: NodePort
service/gateway-nodeport created

7. View the K10 dashboard.

Kasten K10 by Veeam – Dashboard

Snapshot your apps

8. Let’s play around with K10 capabilities. We will take the manual snapshot of the MySQL namespace. From the dashboard on the left, click on the Applications card. You will see the MySQL instance you had created. Click on Snapshot and then click Snapshot Application.

Kasten K10 – Manual Snapshot
Snapshot MySQL – Kasten K10

Go back to the main dashboard page and view the activity. The snapshot should complete in a couple of minutes. Click on the completed job to view artifact information generated by the snapshot action in the side panel.

Clone your namespace

9. Let’s Cloning MySQL namespace. You can clone the application by clicking the restore icon.

Clone application – Kasten K10

In the pop-up window, just provide the new namespace to create a clone.

Clone application – Kasten K10 – New namespace

You can go back to the dashboard and check the clone status. You could also use the “kubectl” command to list all the resources from the new namespace created by Kasten K10 for the MySQL clone.

This test drives even accidental application deletion/corruption and restores tasks to demonstrate how to recover applications quickly using Kasten K10 by veeam. I would strongly recommend experiencing this lab to get more confident in Kasten K10 which is emerging in the market to protect the containerized application.

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