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Ansible Tower / AWX – Store Credential & Custom Credentials Type

Ansible Credential Types - Custom

Ansible Tower / AWX provides an option to store multiple credentials in an encrypted format. It supports multiple credential types which include AWS, Google Cloud computing, Insights, Redhat CloudForms, OpenStack, Network, VMware vCenter, and Redhat Satellite.  We could also add custom credential type to authenticate with other components. In the first part of the article, we will demonstrate that adding credentials to authenticate with the Linux system.

1.  Login to Ansible Tower / AWX with admin privileges.

2. Navigate to credentials tab. Click on “+” to create new credentials.

AWX Tower – Credentials


3. Enter the credential name, description, organization and search for credential type.

Creating New Credential – AWX – Tower


4. From the list, select “Machine” to add username and password as credentials.

AWX Tower – Machine Credential


5. Enter the username and password to store the credential.

Machine Credential – AWX Tower


This stored credential can be added in “Template” to authenticate with inventory host.  Similar way, you could authenticate with various services by selecting the right credentials type.

We might be in the situation where the need to authenticate service in which credentials type does not exist in Tower/AWX. In such a cases,  we need to build a custom credential type.  Credential types consist of two key concepts – “inputs” and “injectors“.

Creating the Custom Credential type in Ansible Tower/ AWX: 

1. Login Ansible Tower/AWX with administrator privileges.


2. Navigate to custom credential type and click on “+” to create new.

Custom Credential Types – Add


3. Update the input & inject fields with desired values.  In this example, I am creating the custom credential type for Jenkins authentication.

Custom Credential Types – Input Inject


  - type: string
    id: username
    label: Jenkins username

  - type: string
    id: password
    label: "Jenkins password"
    secret: True

  - username
  - password



  Jenkins_username: '{{ username }}'
  Jenkins_password: '{{ password }}'


4. Here is the newly created credential type.

New Credential Type – Jenkins


5. Navigate back to Credential. Create a new credential for Jenkins portal authentication.  Click on the Credential type’s search box.

Create a new Credential for Jenkins Portal


6. Select the credential type which we have created for Jenkins.

Select Credential Type – AWX


7. Enter Jenkins username & password to authenticate to the portal.

Enter Jenkins User Name Password


8. In your playbook, you need to call the injector’s extra-vars for successful authentication. Refer step : 3 to know the extra_vars.


  - name: Create a Jenkins job creation using Ansible playbook
         config: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/jenkinsjob.xml') }}"
         name: Jenkinsdemo
         user: "{{ Jenkins_username }}"
         password: "{{ Jenkins_password }}"


9. Add Jenkins credential in playbook template if your job requires Jenkins authentication. We have successfully created custom credential type and created new credentials using that.

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