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Ansible Tower / AWX – How to Create Manual SCM Project ?

Ansible Tower - AWX - Manual SCM project

Ansible Tower - AWX - Manual SCM project

AWX / Ansible Tower offers a graphical user interface and role-based access control to make ansible for everyone. Once the AWX / Ansible Tower is deployed, the first step is to create the project to source the playbooks. AWX/Ansible Tower supports multiple SCM types like Git, Mercurial, Subversion and Redhat insights. Source control manager is not mandatory to use. You can also choose manual SCM type to manage the playbook within the directory. Let’s see how to create a project based on manual SCM type.


Create Manual SCM type Project:

1. Login to AWX/Ansible Tower as an admin user.


2. Navigate to Project tab and click on “+” to create a new project.

AWX – Projects – Add New


3. Create the project directory in Ansible Tower/AWX docker host.

[root@ansible-server projects]# cd /var/lib/awx/projects
[root@ansible-server projects]# pwd
[root@ansible-server projects]# mkdir UnixArena_Project
[root@ansible-server projects]# ls -ld UnixArena_Project
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Nov 16 18:16 UnixArena_Project
[root@ansible-server projects]#


4.  Enter the project detail and select playbook directory. Click “Save” to create the project.

Create New Project – Manual SCM Type – # Ansible


If you are getting following error while creating the new project, please check the AWX deployment. 

“WARNING: There are no available playbook directories in /var/lib/awx/projects. Either that directory is empty, or all of the contents are already assigned to other projects. Create a new directory there and make sure the playbook files can be read by the “awx” system user, or have Tower directly retrieve your playbooks from source control using the SCM Type option above.”

Update the project directory during the AWX deployment –  “project_data_dir=/var/lib/awx/projects”  in inventory.


5. Here is the successful creation of Manual SCM project.

SCM Manual Project


We have successfully created the manual SCM project just after the AWX/Ansible Tower deployment. This series of articles will cover end to end configuration of Ansible Tower/AWX to automate your environment using the existing playbooks/ roles. Stay Tuned.

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