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How to Encrypt Playbook using Ansible Vault ?

Ansible Inventory

Ansible Inventory

Ansible provides a secure mechanism to store sensitive information in an encrypted format. In some cases, we might need to supply account password or secure key in the playbook. If we store such a information in a plain text file,  we could compromise system security. In this article, we will see that how to encrypt the playbook, edit the encrypted playbook and rekeying the encrypted files.


Creating the Encrypted playbook:

1.  Login to the Ansible server.

2. Let’s create an encrypted password to update all the ansible hosts root password. (password: welcome)

[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ python -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt; import getpass; print sha512_crypt.encrypt(getpass.getpass())"
[linadm@ansible-server automation]$


3. Created a first encrypted playbook using the ansible-vault command. You need to set the password for the encrypted playbook.

[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-vault create reset_root_password.yaml
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:


4. Here are the playbook contents to update the root password for the all the hosts. (To set “welcome” as root password)


 - hosts: all
   become: yes
   gather_facts: no

    -  name: Reset the account password
         name: root
         update_password: always
         password: $6$rounds=656000$AmI1LlHNw3l3F7Xb$fDeo0QBtkMkMV02dmDQEn2fS588QZ4R/bDz81FPHJ4Jx2fi7lBE/RS1xbSMYmxD60iDbAqwdaosnC00oG/Vo0/


Frequent queries regarding Ansible Vault:

[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-playbook -i lin-servers.1 reset_root_password.yaml --ask-vault-pass
Vault password:

PLAY [all] *******************************************************************************

TASK [Reset the account password] *******************************************************************************************
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************              : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0

[linadm@ansible-server automation]$


[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-vault edit reset_root_password.yaml
Vault password:


[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-vault rekey  reset_root_password.yaml
Vault password:
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:
Rekey successful
[linadm@ansible-server automation]$


[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-vault view reset_root_password.yaml
Vault password:

 - hosts: all
   become: yes
   gather_facts: no

    -  name: Reset the account password
         name: root
         update_password: always
         password: $6$rounds=656000$AmI1LlHNw3l3F7Xb$fDeo0QBtkMkMV02dmDQEn2fS588QZ4R/bDz81FPHJ4Jx2fi7lBE/RS1xbSMYmxD60iDbAqwdaosnC00oG/Vo0/
[linadm@ansible-server automation]$


[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-vault decrypt  reset_root_password.yaml
Vault password:
Decryption successful
[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ cat reset_root_password.yaml

 - hosts: all
   become: yes
   gather_facts: no


[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-vault encrypt reset_root_password.yaml
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:
Encryption successful
[linadm@ansible-server automation]$


How to pass the Ansible vault password from a file

1. Store the Ansible vault password on a file.

[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ cat  vault_pass
[linadm@ansible-server automation]$
[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ls -lrt vault_pass
-rw------- 1 linadm linadm 355 Oct 28 18:18 vault_pass
[linadm@ansible-server automation]$


2. Pass the stored password file as id.

[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-vault view --vault-id /home/linadm/automation/vault_pass  reset_root_password.yaml

 - hosts: all
   become: yes
   gather_facts: no


3. You could pass the vault-id while running playbook as well.

[linadm@ansible-server automation]$ ansible-playbook --vault-id /home/linadm/automation/vault_pass -i lin-servers.1 reset_root_password.yaml

PLAY [all] ******************************************************************************************

TASK [Reset the account password] ****************************************************************************************************
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************              : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0

[linadm@ansible-server automation]$


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