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Managing Zone Cluster – Oracle Solaris

solaris cluster

solaris cluster

This article will talk about managing the Zone Cluster on oracle Solaris. The clzonecluster command supports all zone cluster administrative activity, from creation through modification and control to final destruction. The clzonecluster command supports single point of administration, which means that the command can be executed from any node and operates across the entire cluster. The clzonecluster command builds upon the Oracle Solaris zonecfg and zoneadm commands and adds support for cluster features. We will see that how to add/remove cluster nodes,checking the resource status and listing the resources from the global zone.

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]Each zone cluster has its own notion of membership. The system maintains membership information for zone clusters. Each machine hosts a component, called the Zone Cluster Membership Monitor (ZCMM), that monitors the status of all cluster brand zones on that machine. The ZCMM knows which zones belong to which zone clusters.Naturally, a zone of a zone cluster can only become operational after the global zone on the hosting machine becomes operational. A zone of a zone cluster will not boot when the global zone is not booted in cluster mode. A zone of a zone cluster can be configured to automatically boot after the machine boots, or the administrator can manually control when the zone boots. A zone of a zone cluster can fail or an administrator can manually halt or reboot a zone. All of these events result in the zone cluster automatically updating its membership. [/box]


Viewing the cluster status:

1.Check the zone cluster status from global zone.

To check specific zone cluster status,

UASOL1:#clzc status -v uainfrazone
=== Zone Clusters ===
--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name             Node Name      Zone Host Name      Status      Zone Status
----             ---------      --------------      ------      -----------
uainfrazone      UASOL1         uainfrazone1        Online      Running
                 UASOL2         uainfrazone2        Online      Running


To check all the zone cluster status ,

UASOL1:#clzc status -v
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name             Node Name      Zone Host Name      Status      Zone Status
----             ---------      --------------      ------      -----------
uainfrazone      UASOL1         uainfrazone1        Online      Running
                 UASOL2         uainfrazone2        Online      Running


2. Check the resource group status of the zone cluster.

UASOL1:#clrg status -Z uainfrazone

=== Cluster Resource Groups ===
Group Name             Node Name      Suspended   Status
----------             ---------      ---------   ------
uainfrazone:oradb-rg   uainfrazone1   No          Online
                       uainfrazone2   No          Offline



To check, all the zone cluster’s resource group status from global zone,

UASOL1:#clrg status -Z all

=== Cluster Resource Groups ===

Group Name             Node Name      Suspended   Status
----------             ---------      ---------   ------
uainfrazone:oradb-rg   uainfrazone1   No          Online
                       uainfrazone2   No          Offline



3. Let’s check the zone cluster resource from global zone.

For specific cluster,

UASOL1:#clrs status -Z uainfrazone

=== Cluster Resources ===

Resource Name      Node Name        State       Status Message
-------------      ---------        -----       --------------
oradbp1-rs         uainfrazone1     Online      Online
                   uainfrazone2     Offline     Offline

oralsn-ip-rs       uainfrazone1     Online      Online - LogicalHostname online.
                   uainfrazone2     Offline     Offline


For all zone cluster,

UASOL1:#clrs status -Z all
=== Cluster Resources ===
Resource Name      Node Name        State       Status Message
-------------      ---------        -----       --------------
oradbp1-rs         uainfrazone1     Online      Online
                   uainfrazone2     Offline     Offline

oralsn-ip-rs       uainfrazone1     Online      Online - LogicalHostname online.
                   uainfrazone2     Offline     Offline


Stop & Start the zone cluster:

1. Login to the global zone and stop the zone cluster “uainfrazone”.

UASOL1:#clzc  halt uainfrazone
Waiting for zone halt commands to complete on all the nodes of the zone cluster "uainfrazone"...
UASOL1:#clzc status -v
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name             Node Name      Zone Host Name      Status      Zone Status
----             ---------      --------------      ------      -----------
uainfrazone      UASOL1         uainfrazone1        Offline     Installed
                 UASOL2         uainfrazone2        Offline     Installed



2. Start the zone cluster “uainfrazone”.

UASOL1:#clzc boot  uainfrazone
Waiting for zone boot commands to complete on all the nodes of the zone cluster "uainfrazone"...
UASOL1:#clzc status -v
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name             Node Name      Zone Host Name      Status      Zone Status
----             ---------      --------------      ------      -----------
uainfrazone      UASOL1         uainfrazone1        Online      Running
                 UASOL2         uainfrazone2        Online      Running
UASOL1:#zoneadm list -cv
  ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
   0 global           running    /                              native   shared
   3 uainfrazone      running    /export/zones/uainfrazone      cluster  shared


3. Would you like to reboot the zone cluster ? Use the following command.

UASOL1:#clzc reboot  uainfrazone
Waiting for zone reboot commands to complete on all the nodes of the zone cluster "uainfrazone"...
UASOL1:#clzc status -v
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name             Node Name      Zone Host Name      Status      Zone Status
----             ---------      --------------      ------      -----------
uainfrazone      UASOL1         uainfrazone1        Online      Running
                 UASOL2         uainfrazone2        Online      Running


How to add new node to the cluster ?

1. We are assuming that  only one zone node is running and planning to add one more node to the zone cluster.

UASOL1:#clzonecluster status oraweb
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name      Node Name   Zone Host Name   Status   Zone Status
----      ---------   --------------   ------   -----------
oraweb    UASOL1      oraweb1          Online   Running


2. Here the zone cluster is already in operational and running. In an order to add the additional nodes to this cluster , we need to do add the zone configuration in zone cluster. (clzc & clzonecluster are identical commands. You can use any one of them)

UASOL1:#clzonecluster configure oraweb
clzc:oraweb> add node
clzc:oraweb:node> set physical-host=UASOL2
clzc:oraweb:node> set hostname=oraweb2
clzc:oraweb:node> add net
clzc:oraweb:node:net> set physical=e1000g0
clzc:oraweb:node:net> set address=
clzc:oraweb:node:net> end
clzc:oraweb:node> end
clzc:oraweb> exit
UASOL1:#clzonecluster status oraweb
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name     Node Name   Zone Host Name   Status    Zone Status
----     ---------   --------------   ------    -----------
oraweb   UASOL1      oraweb1          Online    Running
         UASOL2      oraweb2          Offline   Configured



3. Install the zone cluster node on UASOL2. (-n Physical-Hostname)

UASOL1:#clzonecluster install  -n UASOL2 oraweb
Waiting for zone install commands to complete on all the nodes of the zone cluster "oraweb"...
UASOL1:#clzonecluster status oraweb

=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---

Name     Node Name   Zone Host Name   Status    Zone Status
----     ---------   --------------   ------    -----------
oraweb   UASOL1      oraweb1          Online    Running
         UASOL2      oraweb2          Offline   Installed



4. Boot the zone cluster node “oraweb2” .

UASOL1:#clzonecluster boot -n UASOL2 oraweb
Waiting for zone boot commands to complete on all the nodes of the zone cluster "oraweb"...
UASOL1:#clzonecluster status oraweb

=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---

Name     Node Name   Zone Host Name   Status    Zone Status
----     ---------   --------------   ------    -----------
oraweb   UASOL1      oraweb1          Online    Running
         UASOL2      oraweb2          Offline   Running


The zone status might show as “offline” and it will become online once the sys-config is done (via automatic reboot).


5. Check the zone status after few minutes.

UASOL1:#clzonecluster status oraweb
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name      Node Name   Zone Host Name   Status   Zone Status
----      ---------   --------------   ------   -----------
oraweb    UASOL1      oraweb1          Online   Running
          UASOL2      oraweb2          Online   Running


How to remove the zone cluster node ?

1. Check the zone cluster status .

UASOL1:#clzonecluster status oraweb
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name      Node Name   Zone Host Name   Status   Zone Status
----      ---------   --------------   ------   -----------
oraweb    UASOL1      oraweb1          Online   Running
          UASOL2      oraweb2          Online   Running


2. Stop the zone cluster node which needs to be decommissioned.

UASOL1:#clzonecluster halt -n UASOL1 oraweb
Waiting for zone halt commands to complete on all the nodes of the zone cluster "oraweb"...


3. Un-install the zone .

UASOL1:#clzonecluster uninstall  -n UASOL1 oraweb
Are you sure you want to uninstall zone cluster oraweb (y/[n])?y
Waiting for zone uninstall commands to complete on all the nodes of the zone cluster "oraweb"...
UASOL1:#clzonecluster status oraweb
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name     Node Name   Zone Host Name   Status    Zone Status
----     ---------   --------------   ------    -----------
oraweb   UASOL1      oraweb1          Offline   Configured
         UASOL2      oraweb2          Online    Running



4. Remove the zone configuration from cluster.

UASOL1:#clzonecluster configure  oraweb
clzc:oraweb> remove node physical-host=UASOL1
clzc:oraweb> exit
UASOL1:#clzonecluster status oraweb
=== Zone Clusters ===

--- Zone Cluster Status ---
Name      Node Name   Zone Host Name   Status   Zone Status
----      ---------   --------------   ------   -----------
oraweb    UASOL2      oraweb2          Online   Running


clzc or clzonecluster Man help:

UASOL1:#clzc --help
Usage:    clzc  [] [+ |  ...]
          clzc [] -? | --help
          clzc -V | --version

Manage zone clusters for Oracle Solaris Cluster


boot           Boot zone clusters
clone          Clone a zone cluster
configure      Configure a zone cluster
delete         Delete a zone cluster
export         Export a zone cluster configuration
halt           Halt zone clusters
install        Install a zone cluster
list           List zone clusters
move           Move a zone cluster
ready          Ready zone clusters
reboot         Reboot zone clusters
set            Set zone cluster properties
show           Show zone clusters
show-rev       Show release version on zone cluster nodes
status         Status of zone clusters
uninstall      Uninstall a zone cluster
verify         Verify zone clusters

UASOL1:#clzonecluster --help
Usage:    clzonecluster  [] [+ |  ...]
          clzonecluster [] -? | --help
          clzonecluster -V | --version

Manage zone clusters for Oracle Solaris Cluster


boot           Boot zone clusters
clone          Clone a zone cluster
configure      Configure a zone cluster
delete         Delete a zone cluster
export         Export a zone cluster configuration
halt           Halt zone clusters
install        Install a zone cluster
list           List zone clusters
move           Move a zone cluster
ready          Ready zone clusters
reboot         Reboot zone clusters
set            Set zone cluster properties
show           Show zone clusters
show-rev       Show release version on zone cluster nodes
status         Status of zone clusters
uninstall      Uninstall a zone cluster
verify         Verify zone clusters



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