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RHEL 7 – Accessing the Pacemaker WEB UI (GUI) – Part 11

Pacemaker offers web based user interface portal to manage the cluster. It also provides an interface to manage multiple clusters in single web UI. We can’t really say that WEB UI has all the options to manage the cluster. I would say that command line is much easier and simple when you compare to GUI. However , you could give a try for pacemaker web UI.  It  uses the port 2224  and you can access the web UI portal using “https://nodename:2224” .

Web UI is limited to perform the following tasks

I don’t see any option to switch over the resources from one node to another node .  Also there is no way to verify & configure the corosync rings.


Let’s access the web UI portal of pacemaker.

1. Doesn’t  require any additional setup to access the pacemaker web UI from cluster nodes. By default, pcs packages will be installed as a part of cluster package installation.


2.pcsd.service is responsible for  web UI.

[root@UA-HA ~]# systemctl status pcsd
● pcsd.service - PCS GUI and remote configuration interface
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pcsd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2015-10-19 14:46:06 EDT; 2s ago
 Main PID: 55297 (pcsd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/pcsd.service
           ├─55297 /bin/sh /usr/lib/pcsd/pcsd start
           ├─55301 /bin/bash -c ulimit -S -c 0 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; /usr/bin/ruby -I/usr/lib/pcsd /usr/lib/pcsd/ssl.rb
           ├─55302 /usr/bin/ruby -I/usr/lib/pcsd /usr/lib/pcsd/ssl.rb
           └─55315 python2 /usr/lib/pcsd/

Oct 19 14:46:01 UA-HA systemd[1]: Starting PCS GUI and remote configuration interface...
Oct 19 14:46:06 UA-HA systemd[1]: Started PCS GUI and remote configuration interface.
[root@UA-HA ~]#


3. pcsd configuration daemon uses the account called “hacluster” . we have setup the password during the initial cluster setup.


4.Let’s launch the pacemaker Web UI. You could use any one of the node’s  IP address to access it.

Pacemaker Corosync WEb UI


5. Login with “hacluster” user credentials .


6. By default, there won’t be any cluster added in to the portal. Since we have a configured cluster, let’s add to this web UI.  Click “+Add Existing” link.

Pacemaker Web UI – Add Cluster


7. Enter one of the cluster node IP address and click “Add Existing”.  This process will automatic pull the cluster information to Web UI.

Add the pacemaker cluster to Web UI


Same way you can add N number of clusters  to the single Web UI.  So that you can manage all the clusters from one place.


8. Select the cluster which you would like to manage using Web UI.

Select the cluster



9.By default , it will take you to the “Nodes” tab.

Pacemaker Corosync Node status


Here you could see the following options.


10. Have a look at the resource management tab.

Pacemaker Resource Management tab



11. Next tab is exclusively to configure & manage the fencing.


12. ACLS  tab provides an option to create the rule with custom rules. (Providing read only access to set of users / group)


13.  In “cluster properties” tab, you can find the following options.

Cluster properties


14. The last tab is will take to you  (screen “step 8” )  cluster list.


I personally  felt that pacemaker web UI is limited to perform specific work.  The pacemaker (pcs) command line looks simple and powerful .

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