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Openstack – Re-Configure Glance to use swift Storage

Reconfigure Glance Backend storage as swift

Reconfigure Glance Backend storage as swift

This article will demonstrates that how to re-configure the glance image-service to use backend store as swift object storage. By default , Image service will use the local filesystem to store the images when you are uploading it. The default local filesystem store directory is “/var/lib/glance/images/”  on the system where you have configured the glance image service. In UnixArena tutorial , we have configured the glance image service on Openstack controller node.  The local filesystem store will not be helpful when you try to scale up  your environment.

Glance API will support  the following back-end storage to store and retrieve the images quickly.

Glance backend Storage Description, Ceph Storage, Amazon S3, Swift Object Storage, Sheepdog  Storage, Cinder Volume Storage, GridFS Storage, VMware Datastore, Local filesystem (Default – /var/lib/glance/images/) HTTP store ( URL )



Re-configure Glance Image API service to use Swift Storage:


Environment Details :


root@OSCTRL-UA:~# keystone service-list
|                id                |    name    |      type      |       description        |
| d4371a7560d243bcb48e9db4d49ce7e1 | ceilometer |    metering    |        Telemetry         |
| 7a90b86b3aab43d2b1194172a14fed79 |   cinder   |     volume     | OpenStack Block Storage  |
| 716e7125e8e44414ad58deb9fc4ca682 |  cinderv2  |    volumev2    | OpenStack Block Storage  |
| ee22977db7d84566a4c2217d48859001 |   glance   |     image      | OpenStack Image Service  |
| 59585bbaa4e04d2394df4a66e13993bf |    heat    | orchestration  |      Orchestration       |
| eefe2c1b881d431f83a5411ac7bfb20c |  heat-cfn  | cloudformation |      Orchestration       |
| cfa2859138ae4549919cbf2bfd06346f |  keystone  |    identity    |    OpenStack Identity    |
| 1d40c9c73ee64522a181bd6310efdf0b |  neutron   |    network     |   OpenStack Networking   |
| 083b455a487647bbaa05a4a53b3a338f |    nova    |    compute     |    OpenStack Compute     |
| 233aa2e309a142e188424ecbb41d1e07 |   swift    |  object-store  | OpenStack Object Storage |
root@OSCTRL-UA:~# keystone endpoint-list
|                id                |   region  |                  publicurl                  |                 internalurl                 |                adminurl                |            service_id            |
| 4e2f418ef1eb4083a655e0a4eb60b736 | regionOne |    http://OSCTRL-UA:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s   |    http://OSCTRL-UA:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s   | http://OSCTRL-UA:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s | 083b455a487647bbaa05a4a53b3a338f |
| 5f0dfb2bdbb7483fa2d6165cf4d86ccc | regionOne |            http://OSCTRL-UA:9696            |            http://OSCTRL-UA:9696            |         http://OSCTRL-UA:9696          | 1d40c9c73ee64522a181bd6310efdf0b |
| 6a86eec28e434481ba88a153f53bb8c2 | regionOne |    http://OSCTRL-UA:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s   |    http://OSCTRL-UA:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s   | http://OSCTRL-UA:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s | 7a90b86b3aab43d2b1194172a14fed79 |
| 6b9825bbe27c4f978f17b3219c1579e4 | regionOne |    http://OSCTRL-UA:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s   |    http://OSCTRL-UA:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s   | http://OSCTRL-UA:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s | 716e7125e8e44414ad58deb9fc4ca682 |
| 75117db38ebc4868a69fc6b7e14fc054 | regionOne |    http://OSCTRL-UA:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s   |    http://OSCTRL-UA:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s   | http://OSCTRL-UA:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s | 59585bbaa4e04d2394df4a66e13993bf |
| 7dbbfe1b14c343048c01e672426154ed | regionOne |          http://OSCTRL-UA:5000/v2.0         |          http://OSCTRL-UA:5000/v2.0         |      http://OSCTRL-UA:35357/v2.0       | cfa2859138ae4549919cbf2bfd06346f |
| 7f9042c48a5f401c8dd734e4047ced96 | regionOne | http://OSCTRL-UA:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s | http://OSCTRL-UA:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s |         http://OSCTRL-UA:8080          | 233aa2e309a142e188424ecbb41d1e07 |
| 8a15369cd2e14aa199b4f60881169a1b | regionOne |           http://OSCTRL-UA:8000/v1          |           http://OSCTRL-UA:8000/v1          |        http://OSCTRL-UA:8000/v1        | eefe2c1b881d431f83a5411ac7bfb20c |
| b17e1f61815e4f83abf3606d1a7b3764 | regionOne |            http://OSCTRL-UA:9292            |            http://OSCTRL-UA:9292            |         http://OSCTRL-UA:9292          | ee22977db7d84566a4c2217d48859001 |
| b4534beb489d45af8af3aa62ede17053 | regionOne |            http://OSCTRL-UA:8777            |            http://OSCTRL-UA:8777            |         http://OSCTRL-UA:8777          | d4371a7560d243bcb48e9db4d49ce7e1 |


1. Login to controller node. (Where you have configured the glance image service).


2. Edit the “/etc/glance/glance-api.conf” and update the sections like below.

Existing Value:

default_store = file

Change to the new value,

default_store = swift


Existing Value:

#stores =,

Change to the new value,

stores =


Existing Value:

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images/

Change to the new value,

 # filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images/


Existing Value: (Not used)

 swift_store_auth_address =
 swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
 swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
 swift_store_create_container_on_put = False

Change to the new value,

swift_store_auth_address = http://OSCTRL-UA:35357/v2.0/ 
swift_store_user = service:glance                       
swift_store_key = glance123                             
swift_store_create_container_on_put = True


Here is the difference between previous configuration and new one.

root@OSCTRL-UA:~# sdiff -s /etc/glance/glance-api.conf /etc/glance/glance-api.conf.filesystem.Store
default_store = swift                                         | default_store = file
stores =                             | #stores =,
#,                     <
#filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images/           | filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images/
swift_store_auth_address = http://OSCTRL-UA:35357/v2.0/       | swift_store_auth_address =
swift_store_user = service:glance                             | swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
swift_store_key = glance123                                   | swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
swift_store_create_container_on_put = True                    | swift_store_create_container_on_put = False


3. Restart the glance api and registry service.

root@OSCTRL-UA:~# service glance-registry restart
glance-registry stop/waiting
glance-registry start/running, process 50894

root@OSCTRL-UA:~# service glance-api restart
glance-api stop/waiting
glance-api start/running, process 50908


4. Source the admin credentials to gain access to CLI commands.

root@OSCTRL-UA:~# cat admin.rc
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=admin123
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://OSCTRL-UA:35357/v2.0
root@OSCTRL-UA:~# source admin.rc


5. Verify the operation by creating the new glance image.

root@OSCTRL-UA:~# ls -lrt cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13287936 May  7 22:18 cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img
root@OSCTRL-UA:~# glance image-create --name="CIRROS-NEW5" --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare --is-public=true < cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img
| Property         | Value                                |
| checksum         | ee1eca47dc88f4879d8a229cc70a07c6     |
| container_format | bare                                 |
| created_at       | 2015-10-23T02:07:14                  |
| deleted          | False                                |
| deleted_at       | None                                 |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                |
| id               | c7f5c590-b6e8-4083-8648-2066cdc46348 |
| is_public        | True                                 |
| min_disk         | 0                                    |
| min_ram          | 0                                    |
| name             | CIRROS-NEW5                          |
| owner            | d14d6a07f862482398b3e3e4e8d581c6     |
| protected        | False                                |
| size             | 13287936                             |
| status           | active                               |
| updated_at       | 2015-10-23T02:07:15                  |
| virtual_size     | None                                 |


6. List the newly created image using glance command.

root@OSCTRL-UA:~# glance image-list
| ID                                   | Name        | Disk Format | Container Format | Size     | Status |
| c7f5c590-b6e8-4083-8648-2066cdc46348 | CIRROS-NEW5 | qcow2       | bare             | 13287936 | active |


7. Do you would like to see the image file from swift storage ?  Here you go.  By default swift will create the container called “glance” for image service. (By using defined value “swift_store_create_container_on_put = True”)

root@OSCTRL-UA:~# swift --os-auth-url http://OSCTRL-UA:5000/v2.0 --os-tenant-name service --os-username glance --os-password glance123 list glance

You can see that file name is  matching with glance image list ID.


Hope this article is informative to you . Share it ! Be Sociable !!!

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