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Service Management (systemd) – RHEL 7


Prior to Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 operating system, init was the process which is responsible for activating the other services in the system. There were daemons and many system V LSB scripts were started at the boot time. These are mostly likely the shell scripts which resides under the /etc/init.d directory and called on the different run levels. But this system has lot of limitation which has been addressed on RHEL 7, with the new init system called “systemd” . In Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 , Systemd owns the process ID 1 .

Highlights of systemd:

Systemctl :

The systemctl  is a  command to manage the different type of objects. These objects are called “units” . If you would like to know the available units on RHEl 7 , use the below command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl -t help
Available unit types:

In this article ,we will see about the Service units and Socket units.

Service Management with systemctl:

1. To list all the available services on the system, use the below command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl --type=service
UNIT                               LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
abrt-ccpp.service                  loaded active exited  Install ABRT coredump hook
abrt-oops.service                  loaded active running ABRT kernel log watcher
abrt-xorg.service                  loaded active running ABRT Xorg log watcher
abrtd.service                      loaded active running ABRT Automated Bug Reporting Tool
accounts-daemon.service            loaded active running Accounts Service
<<<<<<some lines are truncated>>>>>>>>
udisks2.service                    loaded active running Disk Manager
upower.service                     loaded active running Daemon for power management

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

64 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

2. To check the specific service status ,

UA-RHEL7#systemctl status upower.service
upower.service - Daemon for power management
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/upower.service; disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-04-16 18:59:46 IST; 5h 9min ago
     Docs: man:upowerd(8)
 Main PID: 1342 (upowerd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/upower.service
           └─1342 /usr/libexec/upowerd

Apr 16 18:59:46 systemd[1]: Starting Daemon for power management...
Apr 16 18:59:46 systemd[1]: Started Daemon for power management.

Here is the another example .

UA-RHEL7#systemctl status sshd.service
sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-04-16 18:59:34 IST; 5h 11min ago
  Process: 882 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd-keygen (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 889 (sshd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/sshd.service
           └─889 /usr/sbin/sshd -D

Apr 16 18:59:34 systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH server daemon.
Apr 16 18:59:35 sshd[889]: Server listening on port 22.
Apr 16 18:59:35 sshd[889]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Apr 16 22:23:27 sshd[6842]: Accepted password for root from port 53230 ssh2

3.To list the active state of all loaded units, use the below command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl list-units --type=service
UNIT                               LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
abrt-ccpp.service                  loaded active exited  Install ABRT coredump hook
abrt-oops.service                  loaded active running ABRT kernel log watcher
abrt-xorg.service                  loaded active running ABRT Xorg log watcher
abrtd.service                      loaded active running ABRT Automated Bug Reporting Tool
accounts-daemon.service            loaded active running Accounts Service
atd.service                        loaded active running Job spooling tools
auditd.service                     loaded active running Security Auditing Service
avahi-daemon.service               loaded active running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack

4. To list the active and inactive  state of all loaded units, use the below command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl list-units --type=service -all 
UNIT                                  LOAD   ACTIVE   SUB     DESCRIPTION
abrt-ccpp.service                     loaded active   exited  Install ABRT coredump hook
abrt-oops.service                     loaded active   running ABRT kernel log watcher
abrt-vmcore.service                   loaded inactive dead    Harvest vmcores for ABRT
abrt-xorg.service                     loaded active   running ABRT Xorg log watcher
abrtd.service                         loaded active   running ABRT Automated Bug Reporting Tool
accounts-daemon.service               loaded active   running Accounts Service
atd.service                           loaded active   running Job spooling tools
auditd.service                        loaded active   running Security Auditing Service
avahi-daemon.service                  loaded active   running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack

5.The below command will help you that whether  the service will be started automatically  or not .

UA-RHEL7#systemctl list-unit-files --type=service
UNIT FILE                                   STATE
abrt-ccpp.service                           enabled
abrt-oops.service                           enabled
abrt-pstoreoops.service                     disabled
abrt-vmcore.service                         enabled
abrt-xorg.service                           enabled
abrtd.service                               enabled
accounts-daemon.service                     enabled
anaconda-direct.service                     static
anaconda-noshell.service                    static
anaconda-shell@.service                     static
anaconda-sshd.service                       static
anaconda-tmux@.service                      static
anaconda.service                            static
arp-ethers.service                          disabled
atd.service                                 enabled
auditd.service                              enabled
autofs.service                              disabled
autovt@.service                             disabled
avahi-daemon.service                        enabled
service status in RHEL7

6. You can filter the failed services using the systemctl command with below mentioned options.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl --failed --type=service
rhnsd.service loaded failed failed LSB: Starts the Spacewalk Daemon

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

1 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

7. To list the all sockets units on the system,

UA-RHEL7#systemctl list-units --type=socket --all
UNIT                         LOAD   ACTIVE   SUB       DESCRIPTION
avahi-daemon.socket          loaded active   running   Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket
dbus.socket                  loaded active   running   D-Bus System Message Bus Socket
dm-event.socket              loaded active   listening Device-mapper event daemon FIFOs
iscsid.socket                loaded active   listening Open-iSCSI iscsid Socket
iscsiuio.socket              loaded active   listening Open-iSCSI iscsiuio Socket
lvm2-lvmetad.socket          loaded active   running   LVM2 metadata daemon socket
rpcbind.socket               loaded active   running   RPCbind Server Activation Socket
syslog.socket                loaded inactive dead      Syslog Socket
systemd-initctl.socket       loaded active   listening /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe
systemd-journald.socket      loaded active   running   Journal Socket
systemd-shutdownd.socket     loaded active   listening Delayed Shutdown Socket
systemd-udevd-control.socket loaded active   running   udev Control Socket
systemd-udevd-kernel.socket  loaded active   running   udev Kernel Socket

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

13 loaded units listed.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

Controlling the services with systemctl :

1. Check the crond service status.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl status crond.service
crond.service - Command Scheduler
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-04-16 18:59:30 IST; 5h 54min ago
 Main PID: 793 (crond)
   CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
           └─793 /usr/sbin/crond -n

Apr 16 18:59:30 systemd[1]: Started Command Scheduler.
Apr 16 18:59:31 crond[793]: (CRON) INFO (RANDOM_DELAY will be scaled with factor 40% if used.)
Apr 16 18:59:31 crond[793]: (CRON) INFO (running with inotify support)

2. To stop the service , use systemctl stop command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl stop crond.service
UA-RHEL7#systemctl status crond.service
crond.service - Command Scheduler
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2015-04-17 00:56:06 IST; 1s ago
  Process: 793 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/crond -n $CRONDARGS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 793 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Apr 16 18:59:30 systemd[1]: Started Command Scheduler.
Apr 16 18:59:31 crond[793]: (CRON) INFO (RANDOM_DELAY will be scaled with factor 40% if used.)
Apr 16 18:59:31 crond[793]: (CRON) INFO (running with inotify support)
Apr 17 00:56:06 systemd[1]: Stopping Command Scheduler...
Apr 17 00:56:06 systemd[1]: Stopped Command Scheduler.

3.Service can be started back using systemctl start command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl start crond.service
UA-RHEL7#systemctl status crond.service
crond.service - Command Scheduler
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2015-04-17 01:04:52 IST; 1s ago
 Main PID: 9694 (crond)
   CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
           └─9694 /usr/sbin/crond -n

Apr 17 01:04:52 systemd[1]: Started Command Scheduler.
Apr 17 01:04:52 crond[9694]: (CRON) INFO (RANDOM_DELAY will be scaled with factor 41% if used.)
Apr 17 01:04:52 crond[9694]: (CRON) INFO (running with inotify support)
Apr 17 01:04:52 crond[9694]: (CRON) INFO (@reboot jobs will be run at computer's startup.)

4.Specific service can be restarted using “systemctl restart” command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl restart  crond.service
UA-RHEL7#echo $?
UA-RHEL7#systemctl status crond.service
crond.service - Command Scheduler
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2015-04-17 01:05:35 IST; 10s ago
 Main PID: 9708 (crond)
   CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
           └─9708 /usr/sbin/crond -n

5. If you use the restart command , process ID  will be changed. But if you use “reload” option,  it re-reads the configuration without a complete stop and start.  So the process ID remains same.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl status sshd.service |head -8
sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-04-16 18:59:34 IST; 6h ago
  Process: 882 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd-keygen (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 889 (sshd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/sshd.service
           └─889 /usr/sbin/sshd -D

UA-RHEL7#systemctl reload sshd.service
UA-RHEL7#systemctl status sshd.service |head -8
sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-04-16 18:59:34 IST; 6h ago
  Process: 9853 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 882 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd-keygen (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 889 (sshd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/sshd.service
           └─889 /usr/sbin/sshd -D

6. To see the  service dependency tree , use the below command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl list-dependencies crond.service
  │ ├─-.slice
  │ └─system.slice
  │ ├─avahi-daemon.socket
  │ ├─dbus.socket
  │ ├─dm-event.socket
  │ ├─iscsid.socket
  │ ├─iscsiuio.socket
  │ ├─lvm2-lvmetad.socket
  │ ├─rpcbind.socket
  │ ├─systemd-initctl.socket
  │ ├─systemd-journald.socket
  │ ├─systemd-shutdownd.socket
  │ ├─systemd-udevd-control.socket
  │ └─systemd-udevd-kernel.socket
  │ ├─dev-hugepages.mount
  │ ├─dev-mqueue.mount
  │ ├─dmraid-activation.service
  │ ├─iscsi.service
  │ ├─kmod-static-nodes.service
  │ ├─lvm2-monitor.service
  │ ├─multipathd.service
  │ ├─plymouth-read-write.service
  │ ├─plymouth-start.service
  │ ├─proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount
  │ ├─sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount
  │ ├─sys-kernel-config.mount
  │ ├─sys-kernel-debug.mount
  │ ├─systemd-ask-password-console.path
  │ ├─systemd-binfmt.service
  │ ├─systemd-journal-flush.service
  │ ├─systemd-journald.service
  │ ├─systemd-modules-load.service
  │ ├─systemd-random-seed.service
  │ ├─systemd-sysctl.service
  │ ├─systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service
  │ ├─systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
  │ ├─systemd-udev-trigger.service
  │ ├─systemd-udevd.service
  │ ├─systemd-update-utmp.service
  │ ├─systemd-vconsole-setup.service
  │ ├─
  │ ├─
  │ │ ├─-.mount
  │ │ ├─rhel-import-state.service
  │ │ ├─rhel-readonly.service
  │ │ ├─systemd-fsck-root.service
  │ │ └─systemd-remount-fs.service
  │ └─
  │   ├─dev-disk-by\x2dpath-pci\x2d0000:00:10.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart2.swap
  │   ├─dev-disk-by\x2duuid-5926a1d5\x2dc610\x2d4b3a\x2da63b\x2d17dd34a4da6f.swap
  │   ├─dev-disk-by\x2duuid-5926a1d5\x2dc610\x2d4b3a\x2da63b\x2d17dd34a4da6f.swap
  │   └─dev-sda2.swap

7. To prevent the service from starting at the boot time , use systemctl disable command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl disable  crond.service
rm '/etc/systemd/system/'
UA-RHEL7#systemctl status  crond.service
crond.service - Command Scheduler
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2015-04-17 01:05:35 IST; 13min ago
 Main PID: 9708 (crond)
   CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
           └─9708 /usr/sbin/crond -n

The same way , if you want to start the specific service at the system boot time, use systemctl enable command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl enable  crond.service
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service' '/etc/systemd/system/'
UA-RHEL7#systemctl status  crond.service
crond.service - Command Scheduler
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crond.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2015-04-17 01:05:35 IST; 14min ago
 Main PID: 9708 (crond)
   CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
           └─9708 /usr/sbin/crond -n

8. To disable the service permanently , use “systemctl mask” command.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl mask crond.service
ln -s '/dev/null' '/etc/systemd/system/crond.service'
UA-RHEL7#systemctl status  crond.service
   Loaded: masked (/dev/null)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2015-04-17 01:05:35 IST; 16min ago
 Main PID: 9708 (crond)
   CGroup: /system.slice/crond.service
           └─9708 /usr/sbin/crond -n

The disabled service will not be started automatically at boot but it can be started manually. A masked service will not be started manually or automatically.

Let me try to stop and start  the service which is masked currently.

UA-RHEL7#systemctl stop  crond.service
UA-RHEL7#systemctl start  crond.service
Failed to issue method call: Unit crond.service is masked.
UA-RHEL7#systemctl status  crond.service
   Loaded: masked (/dev/null)
   Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2015-04-17 01:23:53 IST; 11s ago
 Main PID: 9708 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

I felt  that systemctl is almost similar to SMF in oracle Solaris 10 /11.

systemctl – cheat sheet:

systemctl – RHEL7

Hope this  article is informative to you .

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